- GREENS - Mowed at .125" 4 times per week rolled 3 times, TEES/COLLARS/APPROACHES Mowed at .325" 2 times per week, FWYS Mowed at .375" 2 times per week, ROUGH Mowed at 2.5" 1 time.
- As of now, setup will be 2 times per week on greens and all accessories will remain off the course until further notice.
- Bunkers initially raked out last Friday after continuous rainstorms over the past few weeks. As of now, we will only touch up rake once a week on Fridays before the weekend play.
- Plant Protectant, Growth Regulator Applications, and all Pre-Emergent Applications applied to all short cut turf, rough, range, and lawns. Our weekly application schedules will begin now that we are in the beginning of the actual growing season.
- Weeding, mulching, and pre-emergent applications made to landscape beds and will continue until completion.
- All golf course irrigation and tennis irrigation on, repaired, and operational. Clubhouse grounds irrigation parts ordered for repair week of 5/11/20.
- All tennis courts re-surfaced and being rolled/groomed daily. During the week of 5/4/20 windscreens will be hung up and detailed work will be completed to have our courts ready once restrictions are lifted.
- During the week of 5/4/20 all driving range detail, mowing, and preparation will be made to have our practice areas ready once restrictions are lifted.
- Finish work will also begin around the new air conditioning unit at the halfway house. New landscape to screen the unit will be dug up from around the property and finish detail to be completed by the week's end.
- Current Staff - 4 Union Full-Time on the golf course, 2 H2-B Full-Time for Tennis and Clubhouse Grounds, 1 Assistant, Mechanic returned 4/27/20.
- Needle-tine aeration to greens bi-weekly during the wet spring has lead to great rooting across all our playing surfaces. We did not hollow core aerate any playing surfaces this spring so this practice will help aid in the benefits of core aerification until this fall.
I hope you all are safe and healthy as we all continue to battle the unfortunate shutdown and pandemic affecting our daily lives. We've had a great couple work weeks since the last post, working between rain events and with limited staff getting our property cleaned up from damaging winds, mowing our surfaces, and making the critical spray applications to set us up for a successful growing season. As you will all notice in the coming weeks we have and will be making adjustments to our maintenance practices as we continue to phase more labor into the operation and build to what our full staff will look like in 2020. You will notice us removing the first cut around fairways and greens, adding large out of play no-mow/native rough areas, and will allow some areas around bunkers to grow to limit hand mowing around our hazards. We will also be scaling back setup and bunker raking to once or twice a week compared to normal years as the mowing and spraying will take priority until we ramp up operations. Our plan for workweeks and detail will be modified and most likely will be changing on a daily basis as we do our best to give a great product while we get thru these tough times. With the challenge ahead as grass cutting becomes more of a necessity other modifications may be necessary or more staff will be added to address our necessities or expectations.
As always we are here to promote our great game and the property while we battle the uncertainty of the current events and happy that Pine Hollow can provide the sanity we all need. Be safe and see you on the course!
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